A guy never mention his girlfriend
Why would a guy never mention his girlfriend?

You have a crush on this guy, and you’re dying to know if he’s single. But every time you ask him about his girlfriend—or even just mention her name—he changes the subject. What gives? Is he trying to hide something? Does he actually have a girlfriend? Or is there another reason why he never mentions her? We’ve got some ideas…

Maybe he’s just keeping his private life private!

Some people are private people and don’t share their personal lives with others. Others are open about it and want everyone to know. It’s up to the individual, but you should never ask someone about their relationship status in a professional setting. It’s not only inappropriate and unprofessional; it can make the person feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, which can impact your relationship with them in general.

Maybe they’re in an open relationship.

In an open relationship, both partners are aware that they have other sexual partners outside of the relationship. It’s important to note that an open relationship isn’t necessarily polyamorous—there can be only two people in a polyamory relationship (the couple), and it doesn’t have to involve cheating (because there’s no commitment).

Open relationships can often be more honest than “traditional” relationships because they don’t involve hiding things from your partner. In fact, many people in open relationships say they feel closer to each other when they discuss their needs and boundaries with each other.

It is possible that she’s not actually his girlfriend, but another type of partner.

  • It’s possible that he and his partner are in an open relationship. An open relationship is one where both partners agree to have additional sexual or romantic partners outside of their primary romantic relationship.
  • It’s also possible that they’re in a committed relationship but not a romantic one, meaning that they have no interest in pursuing love with each other. They may still care about each other as friends, but they don’t have any kind of romantic feelings for one another.
  • Another possibility is that he has a partner who isn’t actually his girlfriend (or boyfriend). This could be because your friend has multiple significant others, or because he’s dating someone else who doesn’t consider herself his girlfriend (or boyfriend).

It’s also possible that he thinks you’re someone who might judge him for it.

It’s also possible that he thinks you’re someone who might judge him for it. He might be worried that you’ll think he’s not a good boyfriend, or he could be worried about the opposite—that you’ll think he’s too clingy and want him to be more independent. Maybe he just doesn’t want to deal with the awkwardness of telling you about his relationship in person, and thought it’d be easier this way.

Whatever the case, it’s important to remember that there are many reasons why a guy may not mention his girlfriend to everyone they meet—and none of them have anything to do with how much they love her. So if they don’t talk about their significant other when they’re around you, don’t take it personally; instead of getting upset or feeling like an outsider, try putting yourself in their shoes: what would make me feel uncomfortable if I were in this situation?

It might be that she asked him not to tell anyone they were dating.

It could be that he doesn’t want to tell anyone for the same reasons she doesn’t. The reasons are likely similar:

  • She may not want to be seen as a cheater or a player—in other words, she’s worried that if people know they’re dating, they’ll think badly of her. Maybe she thinks it would reflect poorly on her family, or maybe she’s worried that you’ll all start talking about them behind their back.
  • She might worry about her reputation at work—maybe she just got a new job and doesn’t want to jeopardize it by being seen in public with someone who isn’t her boyfriend at the time (and thus looks like a liar). A guy might feel similarly if he just started his job and wants to keep things professional for as long as possible without mentioning his relationship status at all times.

If you’re trying to figure out whether or not your crush is taken, there are some signs you can look for!

If you’re trying to figure out whether or not your crush is taken, there are some signs you can look for!

  • Look for signs that he’s paying more attention to his phone than you. If he’s constantly checking his phone and ignoring you, it might be because he has a girlfriend who is calling or texting him.
  • Look for signs that he’s always in a rush to leave. If your crush is always leaving quickly after spending time with you, it could be because he has plans with his significant other later on that night.

There could be all sorts of reasons why a guy would never mention his girlfriend!

There are so many reasons why a guy might never mention his girlfriend! Here are just a few:

  • Embarrassment. Maybe he’s embarrassed about his relationship and doesn’t want people to know about it.
  • Discretion. Maybe he wants to keep their relationship private for some reason—maybe it’s an open relationship, or maybe she’s not actually his girlfriend but he doesn’t want people to think otherwise because then they’d judge him for being single or something similar.
  • Avoidance of judgement by others who don’t know the full story behind their romantic status (but still assume they’re together).

And that’s the thing: there are so many reasons why a guy might never mention his girlfriend. It could be because he’s private and wants to keep his personal life private, or maybe they’re in an open relationship. It could even be because she asked him not to tell anyone they were dating! If you’re trying to figure out whether or not your crush is taken, there are some signs you can look for—like if he never brings up girls when talking about himself or makes references (consciously or otherwise) to another person in conversation with you. Unfortunately though, sometimes these things don’t have an answer at all!

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