If a man wants you he will make it happen!
If a man wants you he will make it happen!

Let me tell you a secret: If a man wants you, he’s going to make it happen. He will text you or call you every day. He’ll do what it takes to make sure that he is near you as much as possible. He will make time for you. If a man wants you then he will meet your family and friends and not dread it at all. He will tell his friends and family about you. A man who truly wants to be with someone is going to put in the effort!

He will text you or call you every day.

He will text you or call you every day. He will want to know how you are doing, he will want to talk to you every day, and he will want to know how your day was. He will ask about the people in your life, what their names are and if they have kids or not. You can’t imagine that a man would care about such things until it happens…

He’ll do what it takes to make sure that he is near you as much as possible.

If a man wants you, he will do what it takes to make sure that he is near you as much as possible. He’ll do what it takes to make sure that he is near you as often as possible. And when we say “as often,” we mean every day and all the time.

So if a guy likes you, there’s no reason for him not to show up on your doorstep with flowers and chocolates at least once a week, or even twice if things go well—and of course they will!

He will make time for you.

If a man is really into you, he will want to make time for you.

He will make time for your friends and family. He won’t be so busy that he can’t see them or enjoy their company.

He will make time for your hobbies and interests, even if they don’t interest him as much as they do you (and I’m not talking about watching football). If he wants to spend time with you, then chances are good that he’ll accept (or at least tolerate) whatever makes up your individual world outside of him.

If the two of you have something in common—like a shared love of painting, skiing or hiking—he’ll plan activities around it because he knows how important those things are to you. He’ll try new things with an open mind and an open heart—and if they don’t work out as planned? No problem! There’s always next weekend!

If there’s something on your wish list: whether it be traveling abroad or buying a new car or getting married—he’ll ensure that whatever it is gets done in due time. And when it does get done…well…it’s best not to question why now but simply bask in the glory of having accomplished what was once seemingly impossible

If a man wants you he will meet your family and friends and not dread it at all.

If a man wants to be with you, he will meet your family and friends. He will not dread the idea of getting to know them. He’ll be excited about it!

He will tell his friends and family about you.

  • If a man wants you, he will make it happen.
  • He will tell his friends and family about you.
  • He will introduce you to his friends and family.
  • He will introduce you to his parents.
  • If he is ready for marriage, he will introduce you to his children!

He will keep his word to you.

If a man wants to be with you, he will keep his word. He will do what he says he will do and make good on his commitments. A man who is interested in dating you will be honest and reliable, loyal and trustworthy, faithful and dependable. He has integrity—he’s not going to play games or string you along by breaking promises or giving mixed messages about where things stand between the two of you. If a man really wants to date someone, there’s no need for him to waste time because that person isn’t interested in being with them!

If a man wants you in his life, he’s going to make an effort to be a part of yours.

If a man wants you, he will make an effort to be around you. He won’t let distance or busy schedules keep him from spending time with you (or even just checking in on the phone). He knows how much it means for you to know that he cares and he makes sure that you feel secure in his affection.

If a man wants you, he will find ways to make your life better by getting involved with whatever parts of your life are important to him. Maybe this means helping you move out of your apartment or volunteering at your charity event. Maybe this means driving across town so that he can buy his favorite beer at the store where they have their best price! Either way, if a man really cares about someone then he will find ways to show them how much they mean to him through small gestures like these rather than big ones like buying an expensive gift certificate for dinner out at some fancy restaurant downtown (which sounds good but only serves as evidence against this theory because if someone really cared about me then why would I need proof?).

If a man wants to be with you then he will step up to the plate and be with you!

If a man wants to be with you then he will step up to the plate and be with you! If a man wants you he will make it happen! When a man is madly in love with you, he will do whatever it takes to keep himself close to you. He won’t want to lose his chance at happiness by not staying by your side.

If a man loves someone, then he’ll fight for them – even if that means stepping up when they’re not around anymore. A guy on the outside looking in would never understand what makes us tick; but men who have experienced love firsthand can relate because their own experiences have taught them how important trust really is when it comes down to matters of heartache and loss.

This might seem like an obvious point – but remember that just because someone has been through something traumatic before doesn’t mean they won’t continue repeating those patterns over again (at least until they learn better).

If a man wants to be with you then he will step up to the plate and be with you!

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