10+ juicy questions to ask your friends
questions to ask your friends

Here are juicy questions to ask your friends, which is a great way to get to know them better and discover their hidden secrets.

Whether you are looking to break the ice or simply want to add some excitement to your conversations, these questions are sure to spark some interesting discussions.

From embarrassing moments to secret crushes, this list of 50 juicy questions will provide you with plenty of inspiration for your next get-together with friends.

Quick juicy question list to ask your friends

Personal Secrets1. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told without getting caught? <br> 2. What’s something you’ve done that you’re most ashamed of?
Relationship1. Who was your first crush? <br> 2. Have you ever been unfaithful in a relationship?
Embarrassing Moments1. What’s your most embarrassing moment in public? <br> 2. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person by mistake? What did it say?
Future and Dreams1. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be? <br> 2. What’s one secret dream you have that you’ve never told anyone?
Fear and Dislikes1. What’s your biggest fear? <br> 2. Is there something popular that you secretly dislike?
Hypothetical Scenarios1. If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would it be? <br> 2. If you were given a million dollars right now, what’s the first thing you would do?

So, grab a drink, sit back, and get ready to learn some new things about your closest friends!

Juicy Questions to Ask Your Friends

  1. What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done?
  2. Have you ever cheated on a test or an exam?
  3. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
  4. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
  5. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
  6. What’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done?
  7. Have you ever stolen anything?
  8. Have you ever lied to get out of trouble?
  9. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done for money?
  10. Have you ever had a crush on someone who was already in a relationship?
  11. What’s the most extreme dare you’ve ever taken?
  12. Have you ever been arrested or detained by the police?
  13. What’s the worst lie you’ve ever told someone?
  14. What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in?
  15. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever said?
  16. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
  17. What’s the most shameful thing you’ve ever done?
  18. Have you ever been caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing?
  19. What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten?
  20. Have you ever had a fake ID?
  21. What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
  22. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever worn?
  23. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?
  24. What’s the biggest secret you’ve ever kept from someone?
  25. Have you ever cheated on a partner?
  26. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever posted on social media?
  27. Have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t be with?
  28. What’s the most embarrassing nickname you’ve ever had?
  29. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher or boss?
  30. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in front of a crowd?
  31. Have you ever stolen something from a friend?
  32. What’s the most cringe-worthy pickup line you’ve ever used?
  33. Have you ever been in a friends-with-benefits relationship?
  34. What’s the most ridiculous lie you’ve ever told someone?
  35. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever had to explain to your parents?
  36. Have you ever had an embarrassing moment in front of your crush?
  37. What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever been caught doing?
  38. Have you ever pretended to be someone else online?
  39. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while drunk?
  40. What’s the most awkward date you’ve ever been on?
  41. Have you ever lied on your resume or job application?
  42. What’s the most humiliating thing you’ve ever been called?
  43. Have you ever been rejected in a really embarrassing way?
  44. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever said to your crush?
  45. Have you ever been caught in a compromising position?
  46. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever sent in a text or DM?
  47. Have you ever been caught snooping through someone else’s things?
  48. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever had to do in front of a group?
  49. Have you ever had an awkward encounter with an ex?
  50. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in the name of love?

Related: 21 Questions to Ask Your Partner

Other juicy questions to ask your friends:

20 juicy questions to ask your friends about each other

  1. Who in our friend group is most likely to end up in jail, and why?
  2. Who do you think is the biggest flirt in our group, and who are they most likely to hook up with?
  3. Who do you think has the worst taste in fashion, and what’s the worst outfit you’ve seen them wear?
  4. Who is the most likely to cheat on their significant other, and why?
  5. Who in our group is the most likely to become a millionaire, and how will they do it?
  6. Who is the most likely to get married first, and who will they marry?
  7. Who do you think is secretly in love with someone in our group, and who is it?
  8. Who in our group is the biggest gossip, and what’s the juiciest rumor you’ve heard them spread?
  9. Who is most likely to get fired from their job, and why?
  10. Who in our group is the biggest drama queen, and what’s the most ridiculous thing they’ve ever gotten upset about?
  11. Who is the most likely to get a tattoo they’ll regret later, and what do you think it will be?
  12. Who in our group is most likely to be a reality TV star, and what show do you think they would be on?
  13. Who do you think has the most embarrassing childhood story, and what is it?
  14. Who in our group is most likely to become a viral meme, and why?
  15. Who is the most likely to become famous, and for what?
  16. Who do you think has the most annoying laugh, and can you imitate it?
  17. Who is most likely to end up on a reality show like “Survivor” or “Big Brother,” and how do you think they would do?
  18. Who in our group is the biggest party animal, and what’s the wildest thing they’ve ever done at a party?
  19. Who is the most likely to become a professional athlete, and what sport do you think they would excel in?
  20. Who do you think is the most likely to get into a physical fight, and who would they fight with?

10 juicy questions to ask your best friend

  1. What’s the craziest thing we’ve ever done together?
  2. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to us when we were out in public?
  3. Have you ever had a crush on one of my exes, and if so, which one?
  4. What’s the biggest secret you’ve ever kept from me?
  5. Have you ever lied to me, and if so, what was it about?
  6. What’s the most outrageous thing you’ve ever said to get out of trouble?
  7. What’s the wildest dream you’ve ever had, and did I feature in it?
  8. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done, and did I encourage it?
  9. Have you ever hidden something from me, and if so, why?
  10. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in front of me?

What’s your best childhood memory?

The first time I played this game, I was impressed with how well it worked. I learned more about the people in my life than ever before, and for the next few months we continued to share stories about our childhoods.

  • Don’t forget to ask follow-up questions! This is definitely a crucial part of the process. If you get someone talking about their best memory, they may suddenly remember another great one they had long ago which they want to share with you as well. You should encourage them by asking questions that continue their train of thought: “Oh yeah? What happened after that?” or “What else did you do when your parents took a trip?” or even “What were some other favorite memories from childhood?”
  • Don’t forget to ask everyone! It’s unlikely that there will ever be two identical answers among the group; instead, focus on how different each person’s answer is from another person’s version of events and try not to bias yourself toward one person’s account over another’s. Instead of thinking “I’m so glad my mom took us camping every summer,” someone else might say “Camping sounds like torture” or “My dad never took me camping.” These responses provide an interesting juxtaposition because both players have experienced similar circumstances but interpreted them differently based on their own personalities—which leads into…

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

What are you doing with all your free time?

This question can be a great way to get to know someone better and learn about their interests. If they’re not into reading, it’s probably not the best idea for you two to read together. If they love going out and socializing, it might be easier for them to hang out with a group of friends than one-on-one.

You’ll also learn what types of activities they like to do when they’re by themselves or with others, which is important information! The more things we share in common, the more likely we’ll enjoy hanging out together — which makes this question pretty juicy indeed!


When you’re feeling low, what do you do to make yourself feel the most like yourself?

Here’s a question to ask someone when you’re feeling low:

  • When you’re feeling down and out, what do you do to make yourself feel the most like yourself?

It’s a simple question that can open up a conversation about coping mechanisms, self-care and values. When we’re feeling depressed or sad, it often feels like there is no way out of our misery. It can be hard to see any hope in those moments. But by asking this question, we are opening ourselves up to the possibility that other people have found ways through their own struggles. And if they’ve been able to find an answer for themselves—maybe something as simple as reading a book or taking a walk—maybe there is some hope for us too!

What’s the most important thing that ever happened in your life?

If you’re looking for a conversation starter, try asking your friend how they’d answer this question: “What’s the most important thing that ever happened in your life?”

I can guarantee it will be a conversation starter because we all want to talk about ourselves. So if your friend has a story to tell, go ahead and listen! It’ll be entertaining for both of you.

You may learn something about them that you didn’t know before, or maybe you’ll get a new perspective on their current situation. Either way, it’s worth asking.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

A good question to ask your friends is, “How old were you when you had your first kiss?”

You can also follow up with: “What was it like?”

It’s important to remember that everyone has a different experience with their first kiss. Some people feel excited, others scared. It’s helpful to know what kind of reaction you get from your friends when they answer this question!

Do you have a secret talent and if so, what is it?

A secret talent is a skill or ability that not many people know about. If you have one, it can be fun to surprise others with your hidden talents. Here are some examples of secret talents:

  • Singing in the shower
  • Canning jam and pickles
  • Writing poetry
  • Playing the piano

What is your biggest fear?

You can learn a lot about someone by asking them what their biggest fear is.

For example, if they say that they’re afraid of spiders, then you know they don’t like the idea of getting bitten and will probably scream if you put one in their hand. This can help you figure out how to handle them when you see a spider on your way home from work together. If your friend lists death as their biggest fear, then this means you should encourage them to do things that make them feel alive, such as traveling or going skydiving (if they want).

Here are some other examples of common fears:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of public speaking
  • Fear of heights and falling off cliffs (this one is common)

What was the best compliment someone ever gave you?

The best way to receive a compliment is with an “Oh, thank you.” If you can’t think of anything else to say, try this.

If someone tells you that they like your hair, or that they admire your work ethic, or whatever else—just be grateful and say “Thank you.”

If someone gives an especially thoughtful compliment—maybe it was something personal about what makes them unique as a person—you might want to follow up with more than just “thank you” (see below). But if someone says something like “Hey, I really like those shoes!” then respond accordingly: “Thanks!”

Have you ever tried any crazy food combinations or done something gross for a dare? What was it and did you like it?

What crazy food combinations have you tried? Why was it gross? How did you feel after trying it? How did your friends react? Did you like it? Did you try it again? Have you ever done something gross for a dare, and how many times have you done that?

Have you ever lost a friend/family member and if so, what happened and how did it happen? If not, how did your parents meet and how long were they together before they had you. We all want to know!

  • How did your parents meet?
  • How long were they together before they had you?
  • What happened to the friend/family member who passed away (if applicable)?
  • If not, how did someone lose a best friend/brother or sister and what happened to them?

A good question to ask is: “What was the best compliment someone ever gave you? Did you like it?” This question can get people talking about their relationship with their parents, as well as their siblings.

Things can get boring fast when we spend time with our friends. Here are some questions that might help keep the conversation flowing.

A conversation can go south quickly, especially when you’re in a group setting. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if the conversation is boring or if you’re just bored because you’re tired, hungry or thirsty. These questions will help keep things interesting and hopefully encourage your friends to open up more about themselves!

How do you feel when someone asks you this question?

What was your favorite book as a child?

What was the last movie that made you laugh out loud?

Are there any foods that remind you of childhood? If so what are they and why do they remind me of my childhood

Asking these questions makes the conversation more interesting and fun! With these questions, you can make your conversations last longer and avoid awkward silences. The best part? You don’t have to ask every single one of them (although if you’re really curious about someone’s life, go for it!).

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