strong men affirmations
Positive affirmations for men

As a man, your life is full of responsibilities and challenges. You have to be tough and resilient at all times, but sometimes it’s hard to do so. That’s why we created this list of 20 positive affirmations for men. These self-help phrases are designed to help you love yourself just as much as others love you!

I am in control of my thoughts

The first step to managing your thoughts is to realize that you are the owner of them. This means that you are the one who chooses what goes into your mind, and thus, what stays there.

Once you’ve accepted responsibility for your thoughts, it’s time to start changing negative ones into positive ones. The best way to do this is through mindfulness: being aware of what is going on around you without getting lost in it or giving in to distractions or impulses. Mindfulness has been proven by some studies as a way to improve mental health by helping people reduce their stress levels and anxiety disorders; if done right, it can also help people resist addictions and bad habits like binge eating.

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I accept that I cannot change the past

The first step to change is acceptance. It doesn’t mean resignation, it doesn’t mean complacency. Acceptance means that you are going to embrace the situation for what it is and stop resisting the reality of your current circumstances.

This does not mean that you should accept being unhappy or unfulfilled with your life—it means that you will stop blaming yourself for your past mistakes and start taking action towards living a better life moving forward.

I am proud of who I am and what I’ve accomplished

Do you have a list of accomplishments you could be proud of? Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Do you know where your flaws lie or the imperfections in yourself that make you human? If not, why not take some time to take inventory of who you are. After all, it’s only by knowing ourselves that we can truly love ourselves and be proud of who we are.

I understand my rights and stand up for them

I understand my rights and stand up for them.

I know what I have to do to protect my rights.

It is important to know your rights, especially when they are being violated by others.

It is important to understand the rights of children, people with disabilities and others who may need our help more than we do.

Everyone deserves a chance to share their fears and be heard

Everyone deserves a chance to share their fears and be heard. Your feelings are valid, no matter what they are.

You can’t control other people’s reactions, but you can control your own. If someone tells you they don’t understand or that they think it isn’t worth worrying over, remember that your feelings are yours alone to deal with and ignore them as best as you can.

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It’s natural to feel afraid sometimes – everyone feels that way

Fear is a normal emotion. Everyone feels fear, but not everyone lets their fear control them. Fear can be helpful in some situations, but it can also lead to unhelpful behaviors and feelings.

If you want to overcome your fear and make positive changes in your life, here are some tips:

  • Start with small steps. Don’t try to change everything at once; instead of trying to get rid of all your fears overnight, start by dealing with one small problem at a time. For example, if you’re afraid of public speaking or asking out someone who intimidates you (like an attractive person), start by practicing these actions in low-stakes settings like family gatherings and parties before moving on to bigger challenges like asking someone out on date or giving an important presentation at work.
  • Practice often so that the new habits become automatic responses instead of conscious efforts (like brushing our teeth). Set aside some time each day for whatever practice makes sense for your situation (for example: if you’re afraid of asking people out on dates then spend 15 minutes every night looking through profiles online until talking with them face-to-face doesn’t seem scary anymore).

Guilt is not productive, and it doesn’t have to be permanent

Guilt can be a useful emotion, but it’s important to balance it with other feelings. Guilt can help you take responsibility and make amends, but if you feel guilty too often or for too long, it can cause you to feel bad about yourself and your actions. In these cases, instead of feeling guilty, start taking action on the things that will help put things right.

You may feel guilty about something you did in the past that still bothers you today. But remember: guilt doesn’t have to be permanent—you have control over how long it lasts and what impact it has on your life now. If there’s something from your past that continues to haunt you because of guilt over an action or inaction, focus on forgiving yourself first before moving forward into the future as best as possible without holding onto those burdensome feelings any longer than necessary

I deserve love and affection as much as anyone else does

When you are in a relationship, it is important to feel accepted and loved for who you are. You deserve to be treated with respect, listened to, and heard.

You deserve to feel safe and secure in your relationship.

You deserve the same love and affection from your partner as everyone else does!

There are no small problems, just small solutions

Whether you have a big problem or a little problem, it’s important to approach the situation with the right attitude. If you think that something is too big for you to handle, then there’s no way that your efforts will be successful. Instead of thinking about how much work it will take or how difficult it may be, think of ways in which you can solve the problem and make things better in the long run. What may seem like an insurmountable task at first sight could actually end up being quite simple if approached properly and systematically.

It is possible for me to forgive others and myself

It is possible for me to forgive others and myself.

Forgiveness is not about the other person. It’s about taking control of your life and letting go of the past. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you are condoning their actions or making excuses for them, but rather acknowledging that you will be happier and more productive if you let go of that resentment, anger and pain you still feel inside.

It is possible for me to build new relationships with people who care about me

This affirmation will help you build new relationships with people who care about you.

You’re not alone. We all need support in life, but sometimes it can be difficult to find a supportive community. If you don’t have a support system of people who care about your well-being, it can be hard to feel good about yourself. To help change this pattern of thinking, try saying “It is possible for me to build new relationships with people who care about me.”

Here are some ways to find a supportive community:

  • Find an activity or group where you can meet like-minded people and make connections over shared interests or causes that matter to you (e.g., join a running club).
  • Join online forums where people post questions and answer each other’s questions in order to connect on common interests or concerns (e.g., Reddit).
  • Create your own mastermind group where everyone agrees up front that no one will criticize each other’s ideas; instead they focus solely on helping each other achieve their goals by sharing information and resources (e.g., meetup groups).

It’s OK for me to feel vulnerable, tired, or sad sometimes

It’s OK for me to feel vulnerable, tired, or sad sometimes.

I am not alone in this.

Some days will be better than others.

It’s OK for me to ask for help when I need it.

Believe it or not, it’s okay for you to ask for help when you need it. You can’t do everything alone and sometimes we all need a hand from our friends and family. It’s also okay if something doesn’t work out the first time; there will be other opportunities. You are not a failure if you ask someone else for help!

It’s OK for me to take time away from people who make me feel bad about myself in order to focus on my own healing process.

You deserve to feel good about yourself. You need to give yourself time to heal. Self-care is not selfish or vain; it’s necessary for your wellbeing. It’s okay for me to take time away from people who make me feel bad about myself in order to focus on my own healing process.

My feelings are valid, even when they are different from someone else’s feelings or from what society says is normal or acceptable behavior.

We’ve all been there: You see a friend or family member acting in a way that doesn’t align with your values, and you think to yourself, “What is wrong with them?”

It’s easy to assume that if someone isn’t feeling the same way as you are about something, then they must be wrong. But the truth is, feelings aren’t right or wrong; they just are. Each person has their own unique perspective on life based on their experiences and circumstances—and no matter what anyone else thinks about it, your feelings are valid.

Without this belief in our own self-worth as human beings (even when we have different opinions than others), we might end up believing that our feelings don’t matter–or worse yet–that we aren’t worthy of respect because of them.

I deserve support from other people who want the best for me, including myself.

If you’re just starting out with affirmations, this is a great one to repeat. It can be easy to forget that there are people who care about you and want the best for you. If nothing else, this statement reminds us that we’re not alone in our quest for success and happiness.

To make it even more powerful, think about what kind of support people might offer if they knew you were struggling: would they listen? Would they offer their help or advice? Would they give money so that you don’t have to go without food while trying to get back on your feet? Or maybe they’d just let themselves into your apartment so that they could clean up the place while offering hugs along the way–and maybe even some laughter while watching dumb cat videos together.

Whatever it may be, remind yourself at every opportunity how much love and kindness is available from others if only we reach out for it!

If you’re looking for a way to improve your self esteem and feelings of self worth, try these 20 affirmations.

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