Jealousy is one of the most common emotions in relationships. In fact, it is so universal that there’s a good chance you have experienced it at some point.

Jealousy can also be one of the most destructive feelings in a relationship if left unchecked, but you don’t have to live with jealousy forever!

I’ve outlined some steps for overcoming jealousy.

Understand your jealousy

The first step to overcoming jealousy is understanding what it is and why you feel it. This can be done by making a list of the things that trigger your jealousy, as well as listing all the reasons why you are uncomfortable with these situations. When we understand our own emotions and learn how to identify them, we can then begin to deal with them more effectively.

It’s also important to understand that other people are just like us – they may not mean harm when they do something that makes us jealous, but this does not make their actions any less painful for us. If someone else causes a reaction in you that leaves you feeling resentful or angry, take a moment before responding on an emotional level.

Take time out from the situation until your mind has cooled down; then try approaching the person later with some rational questions about what they did and how they made you feel.

Learn to trust your partner

In a healthy relationship, trust is an integral part of the equation. It’s something that you build over time and it can be broken down by suspicion, doubt, or lack of faith in your partner.

Trust means believing that someone will do the right thing even when they don’t have to. It’s not about being naive or gullible; it’s about having faith in your partner’s ability to make smart choices even when they’re not under pressure from you to do so.

If you find yourself feeling jealous because you don’t trust your partner, try asking yourself why this might be happening. If there are legitimate reasons behind those feelings of mistrust (such as infidelity), then go ahead and talk about them together so that both parties feel heard and understood on both sides before moving forward with any serious conversations or plans for action going forward

Identify and build on your strengths

In order to overcome feelings of jealousy, it’s important to identify and build on your strengths. This is because building self-confidence helps you feel good about yourself and your relationship.

You can do this by:

  • Knowing what you’re good at and enjoying doing these things with your partner
  • Having a positive self-image and seeing yourself as someone who is capable of having a long-lasting relationship
  • Not comparing yourself to others or worrying about what they have that you don’t
  • Being realistic about your own abilities

Understanding the root of jealous feelings will help you overcome them

The root of jealousy can be traced back to a threat, such as a partner’s emotional involvement with another person, or an erosion of trust in your relationship. This can occur when your partner doesn’t communicate well with you and doesn’t share their thoughts and feelings with you.

Jealousy can also be a sign that you are insecure. Jealousy is often associated with fear—fear that someone else will take what we have away from us; fear that this person might leave us for another; fear of being rejected by our partner because they no longer love us anymore; etc., which is why understanding our own insecurities about ourselves and others is crucial when trying to overcome jealousy in relationships.

Understanding your feelings is the first step towards overcoming them. You need to know why you feel jealous and what triggers this feeling in order to overcome it. Then, you can start working on building trust with your partner by communicating more openly with him or her and being more open about your own vulnerabilities.

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